Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I think Jenna is having an identity crisis. I honestly do not think she realizes she is a collie. I am not sure what breed she identifies with but collie is not it.

The description of as collie as per the American Kennel Club reads thus: The Collie is a devoted family dog, especially with children. Although they require daily walks, they can also be couch potatoes. Despite the Rough Collie’s immense coat, they only need to be brushed about once a week, although the need for brushing may increase in shedding season. Collies are also a very clean breed and are noted for not having a doggie odor.

Problem number one, Jenna does not like children. She will go out of her way to knock Noah down and then make sure she stays out of my reach. He is like a Weeble that she cannot help wobbling. Thankfully, Noah takes it in stride, he hates the barking Pomeranian, Jenna he tolerates.

Problem number two, have you seen Jenna's room and yard. She is not a "clean" dog, in fact she loves to find that something unsecured and spread it around the backyard. I have now figured out how to thwart her but for awhile I had bits of brightly colored plastic toys all over the yard. There is also the little issue of her not always making it outside to do her business.

Problem number three, have you smelled Jenna???? I am not sure if a "doggie" odor is suppose to be better or worse than "collie" odor, but I have a hard time imagining anything worse!

Perhaps, I should print this description and mount it inside her kennel. Or I could find "Lad, A Dog" on audio cassette for her listening pleasure. Hopefully, she will figure out she is a collie some time soon!

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