Meet the Dazzle

No joke, a group of zebras is called a dazzle! 
So, here we are:

Anthony is my wonderful husband!Anthony and I have been married for seven years now. We married late (I was 32, he was 33) and we had three boys in three years. Our life is little unique, to say the least! Anthony is awesome dad, provider, and board game player! I could never do any of this without his help. The cavalry is here!

 N is the oldest of our three boys. He has an almost insatiable desire to read and learn new things. He is a sensitive sweetie with a memory like a steel trap. He has made me feel like maybe I can successfully homeschool.

E is the glorious middle child. He has an incredible love of all things ocean. He is independent and fearless, but also can be so tender. He makes us smile and cry at the same time! He also loves and takes pride in being the middle!

J is the youngest zebra and a mixture of the other two. He will curl up with anyone who will read to him and knows no fear. He thinks is as big or bigger than his older brothers, and is definitely the most competitive of the three.

Finishing off our dazzle is our oversized goldendoodle, Chase. He is definitely more golden than doodle and has an extreme love of crayons. He currently on a Crayola free diet. Lovable and loyal, this sweet boy protects his pack!

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