Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Pilgrims and the Mayflower

Thanksgiving is over and now the mad rush to Christmas! November was a crazy month for us but we still had some fun in school. History wise it contains what I think is one of the more relateable and fun early elementary history lessons...namely, the Pilgrims!

Books we used this year for our Pilgrim unit:

This year N (2nd grade) and I read Pilgrim Boy by Matilda Nordtvedt. Pilgrim Boy is actually a 3rd grade reader in the Abeka reading program but the book is also available on Amazon. (You can find almost anything on Amazon it seems, except pre-lit multi color Christmas trees.) The reading level is a little above N, mainly because of the vocabulary, so we have been reading it aloud, alternating reading paragraphs. This book has produced some wonderful discussions and a sober glimpse into what the journey entailed. We followed Pilgrim Boy up with reading Finding Providence: The Story of Roger Williams  by Avi and James Watling. This book is a Stage 4 I Can Read book and provides a slightly less romanticized view of the Separatists. We both found it fascinating that after going to such lengths to have religious freedom, the Separatists fell back into the habit of a government with an enforced religion. (Okay, maybe it was just me...but it was interesting.)

Hands on Activities:

We did two hands on activities with our Pilgrim unit. One was a meal like the pilgrims had with stew on bread plates without utensils and drinking from a dipper (actually we used a dipper to fill our cups, the nurse in me couldn't do a universal dipper). I did make a hamburger or poor man's stew so the stew would be easier to eat without knives and forks. The boys thought it was great fun!

But probably the best thing we did was measure out the living quarters of the Mayflower in our backyard. I found a wonderful resource for the measurements at Caleb Johnson's Mayflower History.
I also discovered I own a ridiculous number of throws and play sheets. The boys loved doing this and it only affirmed in my mind that I am not cut out to be a Pilgrim. I felt claustrophobic just thinking about it!


We also did two pumpkin-y things in November. The first was  a pumpkin craft were the boys glued leaves to the carvable craft pumpkins and then we slathered them with Modge-podge. While not exactly Pinterest worthy, at least one of them turned out well enough not to mysteriously fall into the trashcan.

The other thing we have done for two years now is our Thankful Pumpkin! Each night in November we sit down as a family and name something we are thankful for and write it on the pumpkin. I think we will be able to get four years on one pumpkin. The boys LOVE doing Thankful Pumpkin and it is a tangible reminder of our many blessings!

Well, that is what November brought us for homeschool fun! Now on to December with paper airplanes and of course Christmas!