Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Person is a Person No Matter how Small

Many states are heading to their voting booths today to make decisions on a myriad of issues and to elect new governing members. Each year a state or two hits the news with some "controversial" piece of legislation. This year it appears to be Mississippi's turn with Proposition 26.

I hope that the proposition passes, though I am sure some a judge will quickly deem it unconstitutional. How it can be wrong to provide rights to an individual? Now a number of people will argue that a unique individual is not created the moment that an egg is fertilized, i.e.  at conception. They would like to argue, depending on which camp they sit in, that the person exists when there is a heart beat, or at the age of viability, or only after birth.

But since when did whether or not you were wanted determine whether or not you existed?

I have never had a co-worker run up to me and say "Guess what! I have an embryo!" or seen a Facebook post that says "Well, we have a mass of cells peculating and hopefully next month we will hear the fetus' heartbeat". No, people say they are going to have a baby just as soon as they see those two lines, and start immediately guessing if it is a boy or a girl. I have had friends who have undergone IVF, and they mourned each implanted embryo that did not take. Why? Because to them each embryo was a baby, a person who they had yet to meet but still loved. If you need any further prove that it is a matter of being wanted or unwanted, just look a the rational of late term abortions. How can the medical community do everything humanly possible to save a 21 week old baby, as in the case of Amillia Taylor, but still perform late term abortions?

I believe that every person does have rights as God's creation, and it should not matter what those of us who are a little taller and heavier think. Wanted or not, these little ones are still individuals. I am glad that there are people in Mississippi who are willing to take a stand for those who can't yet.

"Because a person is a person, no matter how small"
Horton the Elephant by Dr. Seuss

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