Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Collie is Vindictive

My dog, Jenna, is a beautiful tri-color collie. She is petite and extremely affectionate. I love her, I honestly do. But Jenna has a dark side. She can be very vindictive, and she plays mean.

Jenna's extreme affection means she cannot be in the same room as Noah. She loves Noah, and would smother him in a lavish bath of doggy kisses and smelly collie fur. Noah is not so sure about that idea. So every day, Jenna stays outside until Noah goes down for his afternoon nap. Yesterday we were all doing our little routine, except for some reason I needed Jenna to spend the last half of her inside time in the air conditioned laundry room with access to the two car garage. Maybe I had to wash the kitchen floor for the tenth time... (Just as an FYI: White tile floors and babies who are learning to eat do not mix well!)

After about 45 minutes I let her out, but Jenna refused to make eye contact and was puffing her cheeks like a puff engine. I believe that is her equivalent of not speaking to me. I remember noticing some slight dampness in the corner on the bathroom floor and thinking, "Gross, Jenna drank from the toilet again". The dampness did not even really register as Noah was crying and I was working on dinner, until later. This morning there was no mistaking what the "dampness" the day before had been. Honestly, I am not even totally sure how she managed her vengeance. The spot is a little awkward for a dog, but this is not the first time she has gone to great lengths to express her displeasure. I refer to the time she climbed up four feet to poop on some old blankets in the garage.

As I steam clean my bathroom floor, I contemplate all the ways I can get back at my vindictive collie. Only unlike her, I never go through with any of my diabolical ideas. I will win in the end. I am the one that buys the doggy treats, so top that Jenna.

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