Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Random Thing to Do

I have been thinking about starting a blog for some time now.

 I would be in the middle of doing something and I would have this "deep" thought or sudden inspiration and no where to place it. And I would think, "you should  have a blog." I would then squash the thought for a number of reasons:
1) A blog involves setting up a website and after my struggles with etsy and artfire, this was a compelling argument.
2) Writing has never been my forte. If you can express it in bulleted fragments and love dangling participles, I am your girl. I also have a very bad habit of writing the way I talk.  But to actually form my thoughts into sentences and paragraphs, well it will be a struggle to say the least.
3) Who would want to read my random thoughts? They are random and given my grammatical struggles mentioned above, could be a little embarrassing. But blogger does have spell check (I think every website should have spellcheck, and yes, facebook I am thinking about you), and I am going to wait to tell that my blog exists.
4) I am afraid that blogs can be a little "me" focused. It would be easy to just talk about my amazing life :) but in the end being a Christian is not about me. However, the Bible encourages our speech to be a "word fitly spoken" and our words "to be seasoned with grace". My hope is what I write here will be fitly spoken, seasoned with grace, and encourage others in their walks with the Lord.

I have had other excuses but those four are the main ones. In the end I decided to lay aside my fears, try to develop something I am not particularly good at, and share some thoughts for others to see.

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