Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Attack of Mommy Brain

     Today I lost my cell phone. I mean really lost it, as in "the battery was dead so I could not call it" lost. Noah loves to play with my phone with its crazy blingy case. No one would blame him a bit. However, I do not want to find out what the charge is for sending a text to Japan, so I have a habit of hiding it. The hiding place has to be up high, as Noah has a memory like an elephant. As soon as I am not looking, he goes and gets the phone. I really wished he could talk today.  I searched every where for the phone and in the process picked up most of my house. A clean house was an unexpected perk from losing a phone. I even did two loads of laundry, hoping I would trick the phone out of hiding when I was not looking. It did not work.

       I never realized how dependent I am on a little piece of technology. I send texts out to my family and friends all morning long. I find texting is a great way to send snippets about my day or ask quick questions without interrupting some else's busy day. The dependency runs deep!  Not to mention I can only remember about four phone numbers in my contact list of over 50. Perhaps, I should have a backup.
     Thankfully, my little melodrama has a happy ending. After cleaning the house, two loads of laundry, and sorting baby clothes (another attempt to trick my phone out of hiding), my phone allowed itself to be found. I say allowed because I am sure I had already looked on top of my sewing machine. I would blame Noah for placing it there, but he is too short. I guess I will have to mark this as yet another example of mommy brain. Sigh...

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