Monday, July 25, 2011

Getting Things Done...

Tuesday of last week my mom told me about the existence of a great new book. I love to read and it has been awhile since I have had a great book, the kind you do not want to put down. On Wednesday I had the new book in my eager hands  ( Anthony loves to spoil me!) and I was struck by the ravenous desire to read the book all in one night. Reading it all in one night was not practical, espcially as I did not receive it till 6pm. However, I could easily manage a day and half. The last time I received a new book and read it in 36 hours, I promised myself that next time I would do better. While I love visually consuming a book in record speed, it is such a let down when the book is done. I am also sure I missed small intricacy in the story reading it so fast, but it is no fun rereading a book right after you read it.

In order to thwart my gobbling up a book this time, I decided to use reading a chapter as a reward for getting a task done. I looked around for a long task and realized I had a large quilt in pieces on my sideboard. I had maybe a third of the squares sewn together. So, I tackled the quilt, sewing and ironing a section and then reading a chapter of the book. I managed to strech the book out to three days. (Anthony was threatening to take me to the doctor because something was obviously wrong with me!) I also managed to finish the quilt front, along with my regular household stuff.

Moral of the story: It is amazing what you can accomplish when it is fun, or you have something to look forward too!

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