Monday, July 18, 2011


mega-klutz (meg' u- kluts): noun. a clumsy or awkward person who has an inordinate number of events when compared to other clumsy individuals. SYN. Carey

I am sure that definition is in a dictionary somewhere. As I dropped my keys for the fourth time today, I began to wish I was a more coordinated individual. I have never been coordinated. In fact I am the only person I know off who as a fourth grader struck out not once but twice at kickball. A few years ago, my boss actually thought about putting "not falling down the stairs" as a safety goal for me on an annual evaluation. Sad thing is we both agreed I probably would not be able to meet it.

I rarely wish I was someone else. Today I did wish I was one of those women who is so coordinated that she walks in stilettos as if they were sneakers. I am sure such a woman never drop her keys. But if she did, I know that she would not proceed by dumping the contents of her purse out on the pavement trying to pick her keys up. Nor would she forget about the diet coke she placed on the hood of the car while she got everything into the car, and then drive off. Diet cokes do not do well riding on the hood of the car, just in case you wanted to know. However, such a woman would probably not have a giggly little boy who was very amused by his mommy's antics. Quite honestly, I would rather have little boy giggles over being able to hang onto my keys or remember where in the world I placed my diet coke.

Contentment comes in all shapes and sizes, and in so many different areas of our lives. Contentment has never been easy for me. I need to continually remind myself to embrace who I am in Christ, and stop wishing I was a different kind of woman or mom. As I allow Christ to mold me and make me, I should trust that He knows what is the best form for me to serve Him. If I have allowed Jesus to make me into His treasured possession, I should not wish to be anything else.

But one things is for sure, I am not a china teacup!

1 comment:

  1. You made me chuckle because all I could think about was Dad driving with his Bible on the roof of the car and everyone honking. I love you for who you are and at least you have an amused little boy to share it with.
