Friday, September 2, 2011

I am not who I was born to be...

So that if any one is in Christ, that one is a new creature; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2Cor. 5:17

Recently a young man I know posted as his status on FB the line from the Lady Gaga song "I was born this way".  I think this is one of the saddest sentiments I have ever heard.  People embrace this statement as fact, as a logical reason for the way they act and live, as if our destiny was controlled by our genetics. I see instead an idea that is void of hope and denial of who we really are.

The whole idea that our genetics controls who we are is a dangerous road to travel. A road of pure biology dictating our lives lacks a soul. We are no better than animals. We are like dogs trained to behave a certain way, lovable and loyal as long as we are not mistreated. But we are not highly sophisticated animals, we are human beings created in God's image with a body, a spirit, and a soul. We are capable of change, of rising above circumstances without someone physically guiding us. How?  By allowing God to direct our paths, which He will do if we humble ourselves. Additionally, God has given us the ability to reason and be creative. My dog, Jenna, will not go into the dog house to get out of the rain, let alone build herself a house to protect herself from the elements. We can teach a monkey to play chess, but the monkey is unable to create the game chess. We are more than a bunch of  harmonious molecules.

If we hold onto the idea that we are born a certain way and therefore cannot change, it is no wonder that so many people are depressed! Why do we grab ahold of idea that the course our destiny is inevitable? Because the idea is very comfortable and justifies the sin we want to hold onto. Yes, sin. But in truth that sin has a death grip on us.  How many times have you heard, "I'm Irish so I have a terrible temper" or "I am an anxious person so I can't do..."? The Bible is full of people who changed. Peter loped off someone's ear (I think that qualifies as a terrible temper!) and Moses was so hesitant to receive God's calling that he had his older brother speak for him.Our genetics and circumstances do not have to dictate who we are, it is our choice if we allow them to control our destiny.  With God we can change who we are! I am not who I was born as because of God!

I believe that this is what the world needs to see. Not only does God love them but He has the power to transform them, to free them from who they are. Our destiny is not inevitable, our course can be changed and redeemed.

You can be new creation, behold the old you has passed and new you has come.

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