Friday, August 5, 2011

A small rant...

Today as I was checking out in a small shop, I made small talk with the clerk who is a friend of a friend, about trying to beat this incredible heat. The he totally agreed about this horrid heat. He then suggested one way to beat the heat was to go to the library, like he did, you know back in the 80's. It was one of those "there, there honey" comments like I had no idea what life was like before an Internet. What made it worse is I doubt the guy had five years on me.  I wanted to say "Hello, see those white hairs on my head, those aren't highlights, thems the real deal buddy" but I didn't. (I dislike the color gray, so I call them white hairs, it sounds more aesthetic.) And yes, I did gray a little early (okay, really early in my book) but nursing school will do that to you.

The whole incident starting me thinking, I was perplexed by my reaction to it. I should have  been flattered that he did not think I was old enough to have appreciated the 80's. Maybe it was also the old nurse I knew who bemoaned that fact that I was losing my skills staying home with Noah. I guess he was just one more person in a long line of people who have treated me like I lost every ounce of intelligence I ever had once I became a stay-at -home mom. (Please, no comments on how little I started with :) )

I have noticed this trend with other stay-at-home moms I know. It seems that the world thinks we must be unable to do any type of meaningful work, so therefore we decided to stay home. Nothing can be further from the truth. We are women who are called by God to raise and serve our families for His glory. We were called to and choose to stay with our little ones, not as a last resort but as a first choice. So, to each of my fellow moms, I hope that you will look at how God sees you and not as the world does. For we are precious, for our worth is not measured by our non-existent 401K's, but in our service to God, our families, and others. Our "401K" is just on the other side of heaven.

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