Monday, August 8, 2011

Through the Power of Your Love

I love when the words from a song I sang in church get stuck in my head. All to often I have some little ditty from one of Noah's toys echoing through my head. A calypso version of  "Do You Know the Muffin Man" is hard to dislodge after hearing it for the tenth time in a row.

But today I am blessed to have a song we sang in church to be reverberating through my mind and soul. Through the power of Your love. What a powerful statement! So much of who we are in Christ, the fact we can even have a relationship with Him is through His love! When I stop to think of all the Lord has done for me, what He brought to me and change me to be, I am amazed. God's love is powerful, it will change and transform.

When we think about love we often think of the love that soothes and makes us feel warm and fuzzy. While that is comforting and there are times in our lives we need that from the Lord, His love is also powerful. He is molding us and making us, much like a sculpture or painter. I am sure if I was a block of marble, the chisel would not be my idea of love, and yet it is with this tool that the master in love makes his masterpiece. God can see the treasure hiding in the hunk of marble, and lovingly chips away the excess to reveal beauty within.  He loves me enough to have plans for me, to change me, to use me!

So, here is a link to the song so you can have something uplifting stuck in your head too!

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