Friday, June 8, 2012

Some Days It's Not Easy Being Big

Today has just not been Noah's day. Despite playing outside and going to get a doughnut, the life of a 22 month old is rough. Today was actually the culmination (at least I hope so!) of a journey Noah has been traveling over the last week or so since Anthony went back to work. We have been slowly working on building some patience, but it does not seem to come any easier for a toddler than it does an adult. And unfortunately, while "please" is a magic word, it does not mean instant gratification. So, no Boz cartoons upon demand, and no sitting in Mom's lap to read a book while she is feeding your little brother. In case you did not know, those two things are devastating to a toddler.

In my struggles with Noah today (I admit to shedding a few sad tears for him, he sounded soooo sad and I am still a little emotional), I am reminded of a post from my sister's blog a couple weeks ago. In the post she talked about how the easy way is not always the best for our kids, or as she more eloquently said, "Every parent knows/learns that what is BEST for your child is not always the easiest. It's easy to give them what they want instead of what they need or what is in their best interest."  It was easy as a nurse for me to do what was best for my patient, but as a parent I sometimes find it hard not to want to give in when things are hard. I hope to remember that the goal is to raise a young man who will love the Lord and minister to others with a gentle and willing heart, and like anything worth doing it takes hard work.

But some days it is not easy being big, for either one of us.

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