Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Last evening I felt a little overwhelmed as I was trying to make dinner, feed Elijah his bottle, and watch a "helpful" toddler. Noah decided he was mommy's little helper last evening and after finding my water glass on the table, he carried the glass over to the sink and pitch it in. Not only did the glass not break, but my child managed to get it in the sink! After I could breath again, he beamed at me and shouted "Welcome!" then trotted off to play with his trains.  Yes, thank you Noah, I think.

My twenty minutes of chaos last evening brought me to realize that my life has become one enormous balancing act. I have a two little boys, a husband, and a house who all have legitimate demands on my time. But then I am also a daughter, sister, and friend. And then there is me, occasionally I would like a little time for me! So, the question is how do I manage my time wisely between all of these good things. How do I choose what is best, as it changes with time and situation?

Obviously, God has the first demand on my time, but I am wondering on managing two boys, a hubby, and a rather large house with white tile floors (Never install white tile floors, trust me, pick dirt brown!) Right now I am randomly winging it with a lot of prayer and so far we have not starved, the laundry is caught up, and Noah counts one, two, three, "frive", six. Oh, and I have finished another blanket.

For Noah and Elijah's second-cousin

So, how do you balance it all? Any ideas?

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