Monday, March 13, 2017

It has been awhile...

So...It has been awhile...a few years to be exact. I ended up creating another blog for my Etsy business, However, three little boys, an online custom weighted blanket business and a finite number hours in the day do not mix well. Honestly, it all kind of exploded.

Where am I at now? Well, my calling has been refined. I am now not just a mother to three little boys, but their teacher, and that is an awesome, daunting responsibility. I found myself wanting to share the joys and struggles of this journey but a blog named "weighted blankets for little zebras" was not quite conducive to that.

I thought about starting a whole new blog (third time the charm, right) but as I read through some of the previous posts on here, I loved some of the memories and words of encouragement I expressed. And so....

The blog is morphing. Perhaps, growing and maturing are better terms. I hope to bring the joys and struggles of being the mom of three little boys to you. I want to present ideas, resources, and encouragement for making school and learning fun. And occasionally, share some of my hobbies that help keep me sane (if that is possible).

Talk to you again soon!

My Three Little Zebras

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